
New Beginnings...

Somehow, last Sunday morning I got sucked into watching Uptown Girls on ABC Family.  I was reminded of a couple of things...  A. of what a jerk Dakota Fanning was in that movie, 2. how odd it is that Brittany Murphy is no longer alive and C. (and most importantly) why I liked that movie in the first place.  After all conflict is resolved at the end, Dakota Fanning has a voice over narration that was stuck in my head for the next 10 minutes:  Every story has an end, but in life, every ending is just a new beginning.  How appropriate, for, in less than one month, I am moving my life to South Korea.

Why am I moving to South Korea?  (Thanks for asking.)  To teach English, of course!  Why would I do a thing like that?  (Dang, you're curious...)  One year ago, I saw myself serving in the Peace Corps after graduation.  I completed the entire application and was real jazzed about the prospect of living in an exotic, faraway land.  Then, while getting some writing advice from an English professor, I was forced to consider why I was making this decision.  And, wouldn't you know, my answer was, "Uh, (pause) I guess it sounded cool?"  Solid reason, right?  That marked one of the many mind changes I have made in the last several years.  (If college taught me one thing about myself, it was that I'm a real pro at changing my mind about what I think I want...)  What started out as an experience that could strengthen my chances to someday find myself serving in the Peace Corps has turned into an experience that will surely shape the rest of my life.  Moving across the world to teach English to high school girls... am I nuts?  NO.  I'm ambitious and excited and ready for a change, not to mention hopeful, optimistic, maybe a little bit nervous (or... maybe more than a little bit)... but hopefully a little bit brave, too.

I am in hopes that this experience will be a lot of things for me.  Not only will it prove to me that I can do most anything I set my mind to, but it will instill in me a new way of seeing and experiencing the world around me.  I am excited for the inevitable changes that will occur in me and for everything that I will learn about myself.  I would be lying to myself if I didn't acknowledge my excitement over the chance for some hardcore soul (and Seoul!) searching in the coming months.  Each day will present new and exciting challenges and triumphs...  many of which I am sure I will not hesitate to share!

My favorite word is serendipity.  According to a mug I bought at my favorite New York City restaurant, Serendipity 3, serendipity refers to the art of making happy discoveries, or finding the unexpected pleasant by chance or sagacity.  That is exactly what I plan to do with my spare time while I'm in Korea.  I hope you'll join me on my serendipitous discoveries.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog Noelle and I can't wait to read more!!
