
This Life is a Beautiful One

My heart is at home today.  As our small community comes together to mourn the loss of a fine young man and hope and pray for the recovery of another one, it is with a heavy heart that I consider life's intricacies.  The events of this weekend have caused me to realize how much in life is taken for granted and how we assume that the wild ride we take through life will not end until we're ready for it to.  Obviously, this is not the case, so I feel it is especially important to fully express myself today. 

Life is a beautiful thing.  As I cobble together a life a million miles from anything familiar, it becomes more and more apparent to me that family, friendship, sisterhood, the support and comfort you cultivate through building and strengthening relationships - these are the things that really make life rich, full and beautiful.  These are also the things that can be the most taken for granted.  If I have learned one thing over the last seven months, it is the vital importance of these connections and the effort it takes to maintain them.  I fear that I don't often enough express the sincere gratitude and love I have for all of the people in my life.  So, this is me telling all of you thank you for enriching my life and the lives of all of those you touch.  In light of this weekend's events at home, take some time to not only remember that life is precious and beautiful but also to recognize those that make your life what it is.

I also can't help but realize and remember what a blessing it is to be a part of such a wonderful, supportive and loving community.  It is no secret that I couldn't wait to move on and experience the huge world that lies outside of eastern Iowa.  However, several events during my time here have caused me to consider the love, unconditional support and charm that accompany small town life.  I guess you could say I'm hooked.

With tragedy to the east in Japan and tragedy at home, it is easy to get lost in it all.  But, as many mourn the loss of loved ones, our family is set to welcome its newest member.  Baby Plueger is on his way, hopefully this week, and let me just tell you, I couldn't be more excited!  More on that later, like, when he's actually born.  :)

All of this life talk reminds me of some of my fave song lyrics:
This life is a beautiful one
And though I've seen it coming undone,
Well, I know most definitely
It always works out the way it's meant to be
So, baby, keep your head up
Keep it on the up and up
And know now
Cuz you've got all my
Love, love, love
So, with that, I will be sending ridiculous amounts of love and prayers home until further notice. 

1 comment:

  1. Noelle far to long since I have checked out your blog. Anyways I now what you mean about under appreiciating life in small town Iowa...that is until you are not there. It is extremely sad, the tradgedies at North Cedar.

    Aside from all that...if not sooner your newphew will be in our arms Friday. We are going into the Hostpital for an inducement Friday at 7 am CST. Stay tuned to facebook/twitter for more details...We will have to Skype when Mom and Dad stop by on their way back from Az in a few weeks.

    Can't for your visit this summer! Saving Vacation!
