
Koreans Say the Darnedest Things...

If you haven't figured it out, I teach some of the world's most adorable students.  Here are the latest funnies:

From my after school class:
I asked them what they want in a boyfriend:
SoYoung: tall, kind, and body uhhhh"  (giggle)
Noelle: a nice body?
SY: No.  Body (and makes motion of cutting her chest open and giving things away)
N: Organ donor?
SY: Yes, yes.  Organ donor.
That's one I've never heard before....

Later we were working on tongue twisters to help with their pronunciation.  The tongue twister was "If Stu chews shoes, should Stu choose the shoes he chews?"  I asked what they thought and YouJong said, "Stu's crazy."

Another tongue twister was "Kris Kringle carefully crunched on a candy cane."  The girls kept saying crunchED (like the man's name).  I made them practice crunchT over and over.  Then, I made them practice cht, cht, cht, over and over.  Then, ncht, ncht, ncht.  (If you are reading this right now, you should make the sound ncht, ncht, ncht.)  SoYoung said, "Teacher.  You.  Beatbox."  I laughed and started beat boxing New Kids on the Block style with my hands on my mouth and making beat box noises like poo poo cht poo poo cht.  SoYoung said, "Teacher, you sound like" and made the motion of farting.  Then she laughed and said, "I like noises."

Yesterday, we were playing Jenga and their rules are a little more hardcore than the American ones.  So, I said, "In America, we blah blah blah," explaining the rules we use.  Another student, JiHye fired back, "Teacher, this is KOREA."  Then, she winked at me.

Today in class, Dionne and I were feeling feisty so we demonstrated the Chicken Dance to a couple of our classes.  After we did a nice long round of it, I asked the students what they thought the name of the dance was.  They didn't know.  So, I asked them what I was while slowing doing the dance's actions.
Student: Chicken.
Noelle: So, what is it?
Student: Delicious.
I almost died from laughing so hard.

Now I'm off to class to see what adorable things they say today...

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