Last year I spent almost a month at home. It was so great to be home, go at a relaxed pace, see people and bathe myself in all the Ameri-centric things I had been craving. This year was different. Two weeks. Schedule, schedule, schedule. Less cravings to satisfy. Since this trip was very different from last year, it was incredibly satisfying in a completely different way. Last year, I was worried about how the distance had change me, changed the relationships I so cherished and changed the way I remembered things. They hadn't changed that much (I talk to almost everyone on a regular basis, after all and how much can things in Clarence change in 11 months anyway?). This year, armed with the knowledge that things would be comfortable, unchanged for the most part, and revitalizing for my mildly jaded spirit (I'm always sooo ready to go home but so energized to get to Korea when the time comes too), I came home knowing what to expect, knowing what I wanted for the most part and knowing that my mom had put together a well planned, thoughtful schedule (a feat that makes total sense, yet something I can never bring myself to do - it's a good thing she does it naturally!) for my time at home, allowing me to see everyone I wanted and needed to see as much as time and schedules would allow.
There was plenty of family time (both weekends, we got to spend time with Nick, Jess and Drew - perfect! And, lots of Grandma and Grandpa, aunts and uncle time. Oh, how I miss those holiday and random family gatherings!), friend and neighbor time, serious conversation time, and of course, homegirl-eats-her-weight-in-Iowa-centric-food time. I even spent a couple of hours in the emergency room as the result of a minor cooking (chopping, more accurately) snafu involving some green onions, a hella sharp Korean knife and the finger nail on my right pointer finger, which made for a shocking bandage for a pretty minor injury and a (funny?) story.
I was constantly reminded of how many special people are in my life there and how lucky I am that they would take time out of their busy summer schedules to spend a little time with me. Honestly, this sounds kind of silly, but it meant the world me. People here excitedly asked me what I did while I was in America (WOW. Teacher, you go America? Wow.) and I think they expected tales of grandeur and excitement, so when I simply said I spent a lot of time with family and friends, they were a little confused. That is, until they studied the huge grin on my face and the slight twinkle in my eye. Then, then they understood, I think.
All in all, the two weeks passed by oh so quickly, as I knew they would. But, it was the perfect Iowa getaway, filled with most of my favorite people, most of my favorite food, plenty of wine and spirits, laughs, smiles, photos and revitalizing relaxation in the busiest possible way. While I sometimes call Korea home (since I do, in fact, live here and all and have for the longest period of time that I've lived anywhere but Fourth Avenue, Clarence), Iowa and Clarence will always possess everything that home embodies. Pulling up to our red house, having Miss Snickers wag her tail uncontrollably and jump all over me upon recognizing who I am again, and having my dad hand me a perfectly mixed Whiskey and 7Up, as my mom sets the table with guacamole and hint of lime tortilla chips, gosh, simply conjuring those familiar images in my mind just now brought a chill to my spine and a strange tear to my eye.
I am one lucky lady, indeed.
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